Discovery kayaking Progressive Coaching and Guiding

Terms and Conditions

Cancellation by discovery kayaking:

Whilst every effort will be made to hold the course/trip, in the unlikely event that we need to cancel we reserve the right to cancel if viable numbers are not reached, adverse weather conditions or any other circumstances arises beyond our control. An alternative date will be sort, or deferment to another course trip will be offered, if this cannot be agreed a full refund will be issued less administration costs. discovery kayaking will only ever refund payments towards our trips any payments to third parties will not be refunded. We recommend taking out personal travel insurance to cover these costs should they arise.

Change of Venue

The very adventurous nature of our services means that from time to time we might need to change venues to provide a safe and enjoyable session. Participant will be notified as soon as is reasonably practicable due to varying weather conditions and predictions.  Please ensure all contact details are correct.

Personal belongings

discovery kayaking cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to personable belongings, your equipment, personal items, vehicle or any other object which is not the property of discovery kayaking while you are attending or traveling to or from our courses/trips. Whilst on our courses/trip each individual participant is wholly responsible for their own equipment, kit, belongings, vehicle any other items and their behaviour. If in doubt avoid taking anything of value with you.

Safety Participation

Booking a course/trip is a sign that you understand and accept the hazardous nature of the activities you are undertaking. Participating in kayaking is by its nature an adventurous activity which entails risk. discovery kayaking takes all reasonable duty to provide you with the level of care and safety appropriate for the activity. All participants must ensure they contribute to their own and each other’s care and safety by following the instruction of discovery kayaking. It is also the responsibility of each participant to ensure their, fitness and medical status is suitable for their chosen course/trip, if you feel you do not have sufficient information to assess your ability then it’s your responsibility to request further information.


Photographs may be taken during the course or any photographs shared by the participants, discovery kayaking reserves the right to utilise said images for promotional purposes, unless you notify us otherwise.

Data Protection

discovery kayaking is committed to ensuring your privacy is protected, we will never pass on or sell your details to third parties and fully comply with the General Data Protection Regulation which came into act from 25th May 2018.


All discovery kayaking courses/trips will be led by appropriately qualified kayak leaders/coaches. Professional indemnity insurance covers all our sessions. This insurance does not cover individual participants for claims arising from personal accident, loss or damage to/of possessions, inability to attend the specific course/trip or any third party out of pocket expenses. It is highly recommended that individual participants have personal insurance in place to cover them against such eventualities.

Cancelation by you

Any cancelation must be via email. Cancelation 4 months prior to the course/trip a full refund is available if no other suitable deferment found. Cancelation 8 weeks prior to the course 50% deposit retained and 50% refund available if no other suitable deferment found. Cancelation less than 8 weeks prior to the course/trip no refund available but other suitable deferment date proposed by discovery kayaking.