Discovery kayaking Progressive Coaching and Guiding


Dorset: Sea Kayak Leader Training

Are you a competent paddler looking to develop with some Sea Kayak Leader Training? An aspirant  leader or a current 4 Star  looking to keep up to date with best practice?  Then join us in Dorset for this British Canoeing Sea Kayak Leader Training. Listening to your experiences and drawing on our knowledge we will work together. Equipping you with a tool box and thorough in-depth understanding of what is required for leading groups in moderate conditions.  This will include on and off the water theory, covering but no limited to; communication, dynamic risk management, group control, float plans, briefings, kayaking skills, to name a few.  Most importantly though, we will do lots of paddling to let you practice your technique with a group of friendly and encouraging peers whilst leading real world scenarios. 


What to expect from this Sea Kayak Leadership skills workshop

During our 3 days together we will cover all you need to progress on towards being a competent leader.  Whether you are working towards the British Canoeing Leadership qualification or wanting to keep up to date with best practice.

Each morning we will meet as a group and talk through the weather and tides for the day.  Creating a picture of the conditions and provide information to plan a trip.  From this the group will pick a location to work on the days leadership skills.

The sessions will occur both on and off the water allowing you to put into practice the theory. Starting with leadership and the key element communication. This will include gathering all trip information to post trip emails.  On the day beach briefings to timely on the water briefings will be covered.  The use of both verbal and non verbal communication will be discussed and practised.

Relevant rescue techniques will be worked on and polished to get you up to speed.  These will then be used throughout the weekend. Dynamic risk assessments during real life trip leading an reading situations will be emphasised.  Allowing you to apply real sea kayak leader techniques whilst training in safe fun situations.

This training course will enable you to go away equipped and ready to progress on your leadership journey.

Sea Kayak Leader Syllabus

Do take a look here at the British Canoeing Sea Kayak Leader Syllabus  and some Leadership Resources

In addition if you are thinking of the assessment see our SKLA page or contact us with your dates. You will find the British Canoeing Sea Kayak Leader Assessment Guidance here.

Join us at discovery kayaking to develop your British Canoeing Sea Kayak Leadership skills.  Please do look at our other courses and trips.  Whatever you choose keep enjoying your sea kayaking and discovery kayaking looks forward to seeing you afloat soon.



Date October Sat 07 - Mon 09 (2023)
9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Location Dorset


Cost: £0.00


This event is fully booked.